Day Trade My Money | Day Trade FEED Investigates
Day trade my money. It’s as simple as it sounds.
Day Trade My Money Myth: You Must HAVE Money to MAKE Money.
Before we dig into Day Trade My Money, we should explain exactly how the company came up with this program. While the overall trading group has definitely grown and matured into its current state, there have been a lot of changes made throughout its history. But for the duration, the one theme that has always been consistent is that their traders have had unmatched success from the very beginning. This success comes from their tried-and-tested educational program, support group and at this point almost legendary indicators.
They noticed that as traders would start out, they’d usually start with a smaller account ($1,000-$5,000) that they were trying to grow between one and five percent each day over months and even years. While this strategy works, it can be a very slow and tedious process, leaving many traders unable to stay motivated in their trading.
The Day Trade My Money Program solved this day trading issue by concluding that mentor-funded day trading accounts were the answer.
When they tested their theory, they started out slowly in order to feel out exactly how it would work. But very soon after the program’s inception, it became incredibly clear that they were on to something big. Now the program is absolutely destroying expectations, with traders seeing higher returns than ever before, and they couldn’t be happier.
The program is pretty much as simple as it sounds. Those who enroll in the day trade educational program, complete all the required coursework and show consistency in their returns will become eligible to take part in the program.
Once selected to participate, each trader is given a funded account to trade. Trade profits are split up, with between 60 and 80 percent going to the trader. The rest returns to the account pool.
Perhaps this will help you understand better. If a corporate-funded trader makes two percent on a $10k account, the trader will take home $120 for that day’s trade. The remaining $80 in profit returns to the account pool.
If that didn’t help you understand the Day Trade My Money Program, check out this short video:
We really mean it when we say if you invest in yourself, they’ll do the same.
To learn more about the Day Trade My Money Program, visit and watch their Program Details video.
In conclusion: Day trade my Money.? You won’t regret it.
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