Welcome to DayTradeFeed.com’s 10 Tips for Day Trading Success: Part 2. Make sure you don’t miss out on the tips we discussed In 10 Tips for Day Trading Success: Part 1
Tip #6 Timing is Everything
7. Use Limit Orders
8. Patience is a Virtue
Whatever strategies you use, make sure you are patient and consistent. Your strategies may not work every single time but the average will lead to day trading success. It is not uncommon for professional Day Traders to win only 50% or 60% of their trades. Be sure that you are limiting your risk, and your methods very well outlined.
9. Keep your Cool
There will absolutely be times when the stock markets get at your nerves. To see success when day trading you have to trade without emotions. Don’t let things like hope, fear and greed influence your decisions. You will be most profitable in you make moves based on logic.